About Us
Pioneer of Bio Fillers in Pakistan

Dr. Shyna Shahid
Consultant dermatologist and aesthetic physician
Dr. Shyna Shahid, a consultant dermatologist and aesthetic physician, is a renowned pioneer and Master Trainer of Biofillers in Pakistan. She is a member of the Pakistan Academy of Dermatology and has made significant contributions to the field of aesthetic dermatology.
- Conducted three workshops across Pakistan on Biofillers.
- Presented on Biofillers at notable conferences including PADCON 2023, PAADS 2023, and PAPSCON 2024.
- Awarded the "Most Upcoming Aesthetic Dermatologist" for 2022-2023 by PAADS for her work on Biofillers.
- Conducted webinars on Biofillers under the DAAP platform in Pakistan and Tashkent.
- Serves as a faculty member and master trainer at Rawalpindi Medical University.
- Trained approximately 150 aesthetic physicians, dentists, and dermatologists through seminars and workshops.
- Featured on Pakistan's national channel PTV NEWS for her outstanding work on Biofillers.